Thursday, February 19, 2009

Zomi Social Network Badge

Zomi Social Network

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If A Picture Paints A Thousand Words, Then...

If A Picture Paints A Thousand Words, Then How Many Words Does It Takes To Paint A Picture?

This is a question that has been asked for many years. In using descriptions, metaphors, and imagery in your poetry, you give the reader a more balanced view of your feelings and emotions.

For example:
You could write a simple statement like “the river was dark against the night sky”, But by rearranging a few words and changing others, you could bring a whole new depth to the write. “The river was darkened by the moonless night” Sometimes, just by doing that you have improved the flow of the poem. When using descriptive words in a write you can change the emotional pull that the reader may experience. To make a statement like “she cried”, does not have the same effect on the reader as “her tears fell like rain”. By addressing the depth of her pain, you have put the reader in her shoes; Therefore, the reader has no choice but to feel the pain also.

Metaphors are a good way to add life to a poem. If you were to write a poem about a senior citizen, you could write about driftwood, or perhaps sands in an hour glass. Using those things to describe the life of an ageless beauty. Or perhaps writing a poem about a vampire may be a dark poem, but could also be about the one who broke your heart. Metaphoric writes make good reading for people who want to dive a little deeper in the well and see what may lay beneath the surface.

When someone tells you that your poem had good imagery, it means that you made your write so well worded, that the person who was reading it got lost in its content. They could see the picture you were describing unfold before their very eyes. To have this kind of compliment is what we, as writers, strive to accomplish with every word we pen.

In summary, I have just a few words to add. Although I have listed several ways to give your poem body and depth, you must remember that too many descriptions can be just as lethal to a poem as too few. You must take the words and make them your own.

By Twisted Heart

Monday, February 16, 2009

Zomi National Flag (Modified)

Three Stars represent the Zomi people in India, Myanmar and Bangladesh.
All color, components are with deep meaning in it.

Free Wireless Client

free wifi client

Wi-Fi Security can be hard. There are many options, many settings, and a lot of techno-babble in many WiFi clients that make it difficult for non-technical users to understand.

The LucidLink WiFi Client eliminates all of the clutter and only presents what you need to connect to the WiFi network. It automatically determines the WiFi security method being used on the network and requests only the information required to connect to that network.

The LucidLink WiFi Client was designed from our WiFi security background and ease of use was the foremost design consideration. It warns you if you attempt to connect to an insecure or poorly secured Wi-Fi network (you can choose not show these warnings) and it detects suspicious networks or access points that may be posing an “evil twin” attack threat.

Download the LucidLink WiFi Client & enjoy it. We hope it makes WiFi security simpler and easier to use.

download LucidLink WiFi Client

Simple, Safe WiFi Security
LucidLink wifi security

Witopia WiFi Security

A Look at the LucidLink WiFi Client

LucidLink WiFi Client

The LucidLink WiFi Client is very easy to use. Pick your network and the WiFi client asks only for the information you need to connect. Supports open, WEP, WPA, and WPA2 WiFi Security.

Download the LucidLink WiFi Client

Network Tools

Below we describe a collection of cost-free tools that can be used both as attack tools and as audit tools.

· AirJack ( is a collection of wireless card drivers and related programs. It includes a program called monkey_jack that automates the MITM attack. Wlan_jack is a DoS tool that accepts a target source and BSSID to send continuous deauthenticate frames to a single client or an entire network (broadcast address). Essid_jack sends a disassociate frame to a target client in order to force the client to reassociate with the network, thereby giving up the network SSID.

  • AirSnort ( ) can break WEP by passively monitoring transmissions and computing the encryption key when enough packets have been gathered.
  • Ethereal ( ) is a LAN analyzer, including wireless. One can interactively browse the capture data, viewing summary and detail information for all observed wireless traffic.
  • FakeAP ( can generate thousands of counterfeit 802.11b access points.
  • HostAP ( converts a station that is based on Intersil's Prism2/2.5/3 chipset to function as an access point.
  • Kismet ( is a wireless sniffer and monitor. It passively monitors wireless traffic and dissects frames to identify SSIDs, MAC addresses, channels and connection speeds.
  • Netstumbler ( is a wireless access point identifier running on Windows. It listens for SSIDs and sends beacons as probes searching for access points.
  • Prismstumbler ( can find wireless networks. It constantly switches channels and monitors frames received.
  • The Hacker’s Choice organization ( has LEAP Cracker Tool suite that contains tools to break Cisco LEAP. It also has tools for spoofing authentication challenge-packets from an AP. The WarDrive is a tool for mapping a city for wireless networks with a GPS device.
  • StumbVerter ( is a tool that reads NetStumbler's collected data files and presents street maps showing the logged WAPs as icons, whose color and shape indicating WEP mode and signal strength.
  • Wellenreiter ( is a WLAN discovery tool. It uses brute force to identify low traffic access points while hiding the real MAC address of the card it uses. It is integrated with GPS.
  • WEPcrack ( cracks 802.11 WEP encryption keys using weaknesses of RC4 key scheduling.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

How to use my camera mobile phone as webcam?

How to use my camera mobile phone as webcam?

With the help of WWIGO (Webcam Whereever I Go) software available free of cost from it's simple to use your camera phone as a webcam.

WIWIGO is a free software that allows you to use your camera mobile phone as a webcam over the bluetooth connection between the mobile phone and the computer. It gives better video quality than any average webcam, is compaitable with all applications that you would generally use your webcam for and if FREE.

All you need is a camera phone with bluetooth, a desktop or laptop with bluetooth and WWIGO s/w on your mobile and computer.

To know more about WWIGO go to about WIWIGO page here :

To see a list of supported camera mobiles that can be used as a web camera with the help of WIWIGO s/w and to download WIWIGO "mobile camera/webcam" software visit this page :