Saturday, January 31, 2009
White House to Black House; a Legacy to Inspire, a Celebration to Cherish
Have we ever miss the chance to see the world as a functional organism moving towards globalization?
The civil society we live has no less favor to every human being regardless of ones skin color, religious background and ideological differences.
The world is moving toward a state of being an...Zomi Social Network
The Role of Media and the Power of Information for generation "Z" Zomi e-Citizens
I strongly believe that “information” is power. It is a power not to be abused but rather to spread out and shared to the unreached people of the world. The right to know and the right to freedom of expression as well as the right to freedom of information should be exercised to every human kind regardless of one’s racial, religious and ideological background.
One of the reasons that draw me strongly to believe in it is to be a voice for the voiceless, and ear for the unheard suffering people of Asian countries like Burma. I personally have seen and been during 1988 revolution as well as Saffron revolution in 2008 in Myanmar. What I’ve seen with my naked eyes are not recorded in neither digital form nor by paper.
It is has been my passion at the same time my dedication to reveal the secret dark side and untold stories of abuses, human rights violations, persecutions and discrimination all kinds of discrimination to minorities. The things I’ve seen and, the experiences I’ve gone through would not be recorded anywhere because of lack of resource and most of it, because of my lack of skill in recording, writing. Therefore, to reveal the truth and to exercise the rights of a human being for the less fortunate people and outskirt areas of the world who will feel relief by my thoughtful contribution and reflection of what it was, what it is and what it can become for a life-changing world.
More... Zomi Social Network
Video sharing sites
Video sharing sites
There are a lot of video sharing sites around. You’re sure to have heard about YouTube, Revver or Dailymotion, but there are many others competing to be the number one, or targeting a specific audience, whether geographically (China, Japan, Turkey…), by language (German, Arabic, French…) or for the kind of content they enable to publish (cooking, planes, extreme sports…).
Depending of the type of video you want to publish, it could be better to do it in a less-known sharing video site that effectively matches its content than in the most renown ones. Your video will not be lost in the middle of hundreds of thousands others, and it will be seen by people more interested by it (and you can still publish it on the top sharing sites at the same time). You should also check our section about how to make money with your video (after all, to get a revenue for your creativity is also rewarding, don’t you think?)
Here is an exhaustive list of the most influencial ones. Of course, we sure have forgotten some. If you know about a video sharing site that we could list here, please tell us about it. We will add it as soon as possible.
Video sharing sites sorted alphabetically with their niche.
- – 0-9 –
- 100 TV (language > Chinese)
- 12 seconds
- 123 video (language > Dutch)
- (language > Romanian)
- 365 Cast (language > Chinese)
- 3DVIA (movies > animation)
- 4 shared
- 4 video sharing
- 4mations
- 5 min (how-tos, education)
- 5 Show (language > Chinese)
- 510 video
- 56 (language > Chinese)
- aka 6 Rooms (language > Chinese)
- 6nema (movies)
- 9 you (language > Chinese)
- – A –
- A lot porn (pornography)
- Aajka TV (country > India)
- Abrutis (language > French)
- aBum (humor)
- Active cooks (food, cooking)
- Ad Hysteria (classifieds)
- Aeeboo (language > Chinese)
Sort: alphabetically, by country, by niche, by rank, by latest added.
Video sharing sites sorted alphabetically with their niche.
Expand allCollapse all
- – 0-9 –
- 100 TV (language > Chinese)
- 12 seconds
- 123 video (language > Dutch)
- (language > Romanian)
- 365 Cast (language > Chinese)
- 3DVIA (movies > animation)
- 4 shared
- 4 video sharing
- 4mations
- 5 min (how-tos, education)
- 5 Show (language > Chinese)
- 510 video
- 56 (language > Chinese)
- aka 6 Rooms (language > Chinese)
- 6nema (movies)
- 9 you (language > Chinese)
- – A –
- Aajka TV (country > India)
- Abrutis (language > French)
- aBum (humor)
- Active cooks (food, cooking)
- Aeeboo (language > Chinese)
- Afghan Tube
- Afriville (country > Africa)
- Ahenfie Tube (country > Ghana)
- Al Arabiya (language > Arabic)
- Albmotion
- Alien UFO Believers (UFOs)
- AllYall (local > The South (of USA))
- Ameba (language > Japanese)
- Amusing and fun
- AniBoom (movies > animation)
- Anim8 stop motion (movies > animation)
- Animasher (movies > animation)
- Animoto
- Apna Tube
- Appeal Democrat (local > Sutter and Yuba counties)
- Apprendre facile (how-tos, education)
- Arab tube (language > Arabic)
- Artistas Visuales del Erotismo (artists community)
- Atom films
- Atpic
- Avideoen (language > Danish)
- Awesome commercials (business and advertising)
- – B –
- Baby TV (motherhood, babies)
- Baghdad Bob
- Bajan Tube (country > Barbados)
- Banf of me (music)
- Barrel Tube (sports > barrel racing)
- Battle seen (military)
- Battle shelter (music > hiphop)
- Bebo
- Beer tube TV (food, cooking)
- Beoscope (country > Indonesia)
- Big Adda
- Big Contact
- Big oven (food, cooking)
- Big Think (opinions)
- Bikinos (bikini)
- Bio alive (science > biology)
- Black Atlanta community (local > Atlanta)
- Blastro (music)
- Blog cheese
- Blog TV (live video)
- Blue collar or Die (humor)
- Blue world
- BMX Videos (sports > BMX)
- Board Ride TV (sports > action sports)
- Boating Videos (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- BoFunk
- Bollywood tube (country > India)
- bongoTYube (country > Tanzania)
- Bore me
- Bow Tube (hunting and fishing)
- braptv Mazda Rotary Videos (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Break taker
- Broadband Sports (sports)
- Broadcaster
- BTPodShow
- Bubblare (language > Finnish)
- Buzz shed
- Buzz-moi ça (language > French)
- Buzznet
- – C –
- Caachi (movies > indies)
- Cambo Tube (country > Cambodia)
- Canara Video (country > India)
- Car domain (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Car Hub TV (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Car Space (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Cast'n'Shoot (hunting and fishing)
- Castpost
- Catholic Tube (religion > Christianity)
- Catster (pets and animals)
- Channel 147 (sports > pool, snooker)
- Chat Pata video (humor)
- Chile TV (country > Chile)
- Christian ask (religion > Christianity)
- Christian Family Tube (religion > Christianity)
- Christian tube (religion > Christianity)
- Christian U Tube (religion > Christianity)
- Clevver
- Clip Chef (food, cooking)
- Clip ground
- Clip junkie (humor)
- Clip moon
- ClipFish (language > German)
- Clips ID (business and advertising)
- Clipser
- ClipShack
- Clipta
- Cobalt flash (humor)
- Cold blooded TV (pets and animals)
- College Humor (humor)
- College slackers
- Compulsive traveler (travels)
- Connect 2 Earth (science > ecology)
- Connect Films (country > India)
- Cook show (food, cooking)
- Cool clip (language > German)
- Cracked
- Crackle
- Cric TV (sports > cricket)
- Crunchy roll
- Cruxy
- Current TV
- – D –
- Dada
- Dailymotion
- Dale Al Play
- Dance jam (dance)
- Dance Vidz (dance)
- Danerd (humor)
- Daqi (language > Chinese)
- Dearborn Schools (local > Dearborn, MI)
- Dekhona
- deviantART (artists community)
- Diagonal View
- Disclose TV
- DJ Tube
- DNA Tube (science)
- Do flick (how-tos, education)
- Do TV
- Dogster (pets and animals)
- Dojo tube (sports > martial arts)
- Dominicana (country > Dominican Republic)
- Dorks (humor)
- dot Sub
- Dovetail
- DropShots
- Dub tube (local > Dublin, Ireland)
- DZ Tube (country > Algeria)
- – E –
- East African Tube
- Eat drink or die (food, cooking)
- Eat Lime
- eBaum's World (humor)
- eCorp TV (business and advertising)
- Edublogs (how-tos, education)
- Eelam Tube (country > India)
- eHow (how-tos, education)
- Engage Media
- eSnips
- Euskal tube (language > Basque)
- Evil chili
- Expatriation TV (expatriation)
- Expert Village (how-tos, education)
- Expo TV
- Eye skate (sports > skateboard)
- Eyeblast
- Eyeka (language > French)
- eyeVio (language > Japanese)
- – F –
- Faith it up (religion > Christianity)
- Faith Tube (religion > islam)
- Fan Covers (music > amateur artists)
- Fan IQ (sports)
- FarsiTube
- Fat cat flick
- Feel stupid (humor)
- FightCon (sports > martial arts)
- FileCabi
- Filipino channel (country > Philippines)
- Film rookie
- Filmaka
- FilmaleM (language > Turkish)
- First stoke (sports > boards)
- Flavor Share (food, cooking)
- Flektor
- Fliggo
- Flight level 350 (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Flint Talk Video
- Flip Clip (language > Japanese)
- Flixya
- Flowgram
- Flukiest
- Flurl
- Food tube (food, cooking)
- Footie Tube (sports > soccer, football)
- Footy Tube (sports > soccer, football)
- Fora TV (opinions)
- Free documentaries (news, journalism)
- Friends eat (food, cooking)
- Funatico (humor)
- Funny hub (humor)
- Funny Junk (humor)
- Funny or Die (humor)
- Funny or die (UK) (humor)
- (country > India)
- Fyroo (country > Malaysia)
- – G –
- Game one (games > videogames)
- Game trailers (games > videogames)
- Game Vee (games > videogames)
- Game videos (games > videogames)
- Ganges
- Geni (genealogy)
- Ghetto Tube
- Go Green Tube (science > ecology)
- Go Internet Video
- GodTube (religion > Christianity)
- GoFish
- Golfer Tube (sports > golf)
- Good Tube (Non-Profit Organizations)
- Google Video
- Gospel Tube (religion > Christianity)
- Graspr (how-tos, education)
- Great Americans (heroes, models)
- Guba
- Gymnast Tube (sports > gymnastics)
- – H –
- H3 press (games > videogames)
- Halal Tube (religion > islam)
- Handiquipe (sports)
- HD tube
- Heavy
- Helpful Video (how-tos, education)
- Hictu
- Hindu tube (religion > hinduism)
- Holy lemon (humor)
- Hood Tube (Afro-American)
- Hook TV (hunting and fishing)
- Hot Clips
- House tube TV (classifieds)
- Howcast (how-tos, education)
- Hungry Flix (movies > indies)
- – I –
- I like bloopers (humor)
- I like comedy (humor > comedy)
- I like models (top models)
- I like pranks (humor)
- I view tube
- I'm cooked (food, cooking)
- Ice box (movies > animation)
- iFilm
- iFood TV (food, cooking)
- ifutbal (sports > soccer, football)
- Ikbis (language > Arabic)
- iklipz (movies)
- IM Broadcast (business and advertising)
- Imeem
- India stage (country > India)
- Indian pad (country > India)
- Indian reunited (country > India)
- Inet Films (movies > indies)
- Ipernity
- iShare
- Islamic video (religion > islam)
- IslamicTube (religion > islam)
- Islamovie
- It's a good day
- Izlesene (language > Turkish)
- – J –
- J1vebox (music)
- Jabbits
- Japanese junction (country > Japan)
- JayCut
- Jazz vision (Jazz corner) (music > jazz)
- Jesus TV (religion > Christianity)
- JewTube (religion > Judaism)
- Jiggy studio (dance)
- Jokeroo
- Jokes and funny (humor)
- Jubii TV (language > French)
- JuiceCaster
- JumpCut
- – K –
- Kadoo
- Kama Zutra (language > French)
- Karadansu! Sing! (music > karaoke)
- Karaoke champion (music > karaoke)
- Karma Tube
- Kazados (teenagers)
- Kewego (language > French)
- Khmer Flix (language > Khmer)
- Kids Tube
- Kiwivid
- Knox Tube (local > Knoxville, TN)
- Krishna tube (religion > hinduism)
- Ku 6 (language > Chinese)
- Kyte
- – L –
- L'Internaute vidéo (language > French)
- La télé agricole (agriculture)
- Lab Action (science > biology)
- Last FM (music)
- Learn licks (music)
- Leech Video
- Leet Tube (games > videogames)
- Lemonzoo (humor)
- Les cocos (language > French)
- Liberated films
- Life in videos
- Live Marco (movies > animation)
- Liveleak
- LiveVideo
- Lonely planet TV (travels)
- Lotus Tube (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Low range TV (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Loyal TV (opinions)
- Lulu TV
- – M –
- Ma zone vidéo (language > French)
- Machinima (movies > animation)
- Machinimotion (movies > animation)
- Magic tricks (magic)
- Magix photos
- Maidee (language > Chinese)
- Mandalay Tube (country > Myanmar)
- Maroc Tube (country > Morocco)
- Martial arts outpost (sports > martial arts)
- Masti share (pornography)
- Math A tube (how-tos, education)
- Media bum (humor)
- Mediascrape (news, journalism)
- Medical students community (science > medicine)
- Medical Videos (science > medicine)
- Medicine Films
- Megarotic (pornography)
- MegaVideo
- Mero Video
- Metacafe
- Mevio
- Mideast Youth TV (Middle East)
- Military Spouse Channel (military)
- MIT Tech TV (university)
- Mitt klipp (language > Swedish)
- Miwim video (language > French)
- Mizo Tube (country > India)
- MMA Core (sports > martial arts)
- mncast (language > Korean)
- Mofile (language > Chinese)
- MojoFlix
- Monkey see (how-tos, education)
- Moob TV (language > French)
- Moovik
- Mop (language > Chinese)
- Morra de rir (humor)
- MOSH by Nokia
- Motion Flicks (country > India)
- Motion TV
- Motionbox
- Motorcycle video classifieds (classifieds)
- Mountain bike videos from Wales (sports > mountain bike)
- Movie TV (movies > indies)
- Mpora (sports > extreme sports)
- MSN Video
- MTV France (language > French)
- MTV Music (music)
- Mukmin TV (religion > islam)
- Multiply
- Music maza (music)
- Music TV (music)
- Muslim video (religion > islam)
- My car movie (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- My cooking sucks (food, cooking)
- My gourmet videos (food, cooking)
- My holdem tips (games > poker)
- My music box (music)
- My Poker Tube (games > poker)
- My Repo (language > Japanese)
- My toons (movies > animation)
- My Torah Tube (religion > Judaism)
- My Video Karaoke (music > karaoke)
- My videos host (celebrities)
- Mydeo
- Mysee (language > Chinese)
- MySpace Videos
- MySpate
- MyVideo
- MyVideo (language > German)
- – N –
- Need laugh (humor)
- NeeKou TV (language > Persian)
- Nelsok
- Netlog
- Netprof (how-tos, education)
- Neurosurgery videos (science > medicine)
- Neurotrash TV
- New baby (motherhood, babies)
- Next Webstar
- Nibipedia (how-tos, education)
- Nice shorts (movies > indies)
- Nico Nico Douga (language > Japanese)
- Nothing toxic
- Now public (news, journalism)
- NT Motion
- Nunchuk Squad (games > videogames)
- Nutcracker videos
- – O –
- Off U Huge
- Ogaden Tube (country > Ogaden)
- Omnisio
- On The Air TV
- One true media
- OneWorldTV (news, journalism)
- OnfuegO
- Online Pool (sports > pool, snooker)
- Oodle Box TV (how-tos, education)
- Opcot
- Open sports (sports)
- Openfilm
- Operator 11 (live video)
- Origami tube (origami)
- OuOu (language > Chinese)
- Our Stage (music)
- Ourmedia
- Ovao
- Over air TV
- Oxygenial (language > French)
- – P –
- PafPaf (language > French)
- Pakreel (country > Pakistan)
- Pandora TV (language > Korean)
- Panjea
- Para tube (paranormal)
- Patrick's aviation (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Pawky
- Pet Pal (pets and animals)
- Pet planet videos (pets and animals)
- Pet Tube (pets and animals)
- Photo Bucket
- Pickle
- PixParty
- Pizza Tube (food, cooking)
- Podlook (language > Chinese)
- PodShow
- Poker Tube (games > poker)
- Pomoho (language > Chinese)
- Porkolt
- Pratiks (how-tos, education)
- Pretty sleek
- Pro Troops Tube (military)
- Property previews (real estate)
- PS Fights (fights)
- Punjabi Tube (music > Punjabi music)
- PutFile
- PvP Pulse (games > videogames)
- PWN or DIE (games > videogames)
- Pwn tube (games > videogames)
- – Q –
- Quarter Horse Tube (sports > quarter horse)
- – R –
- Rambler vision (language > Russian)
- Raquet clip (sports > tennis, squash, badminton)
- RC Pilot TV (model aircraft)
- Real people real stuff (classifieds)
- Recap game (games > videogames)
- Red card football (sports > soccer, football)
- Red lasso
- Relic hunt (treasure hunting)
- Revver
- RGX Life
- Rip tube (sports > action sports)
- Road 90 (local > Israel)
- Rooftop Comedy (humor > comedy)
- Rootclip
- Rouxbe (food, cooking)
- roVideos (language > Romanian)
- Roxwel (music)
- Russia top travel (country > Russie)
- RuTube (language > Russian)
- – S –
- Satan Tube (music > metal music)
- Scary video (horror)
- School Tube (how-tos, education)
- SciTalks (science)
- SciVee (science)
- Sclipo (how-tos, education)
- Screen cast
- Security tube (computers and computing)
- Seen it yet
- seesmic
- Selfcast TV
- Sevenload
- Shame blame
- Share Videos Online
- Sharkle
- Shoe Tube (shoes)
- Shoutfile
- Show me do (how-tos, education)
- ShoZu
- Shred or Die (sports > action sports)
- Shufuni (pornography)
- Si-Mi
- Sign-tube (sign language)
- Sina (language > Chinese)
- Sinvision
- Sixer TV (sports > cricket)
- Skating Circle (sports > ice skating)
- Skill tip TV (how-tos, education)
- Slide share (slide shows)
- Smog (language > Polish)
- Smotri (language > Russian)
- Snotr
- Snow vision (sports > snowboard)
- Snowboarders tube (sports > snowboard)
- Software Development Tube (computers and computing)
- Somali Tube (country > Somalia)
- Spike
- Spore Tube (games > videogames)
- Sports fananza (sports)
- Sports tube (sports)
- Sports Videos (sports)
- SportZu (sports)
- Spymac
- Sri Lankan tube (country > Sri Lanka)
- Stage 264
- Star Trek games videos (games > videogames)
- Stash space
- Stash Space
- Stickam
- Story circles (storytelling)
- Streetfire (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Stupid Videos (humor)
- Subaye (language > Chinese)
- Sube 2 ruedas (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Super Deluxe (humor > comedy)
- Super U (movies > indies)
- Supernova tube
- Sutree (how-tos, education)
- – T –
- T vidéos (language > French)
- Tag story (language > Korean)
- Tag télé (country > Quebec)
- Take Off Tube (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Takkle (sports)
- Talent Virgins
- Talk about cancer (cancer)
- Tamil Christian Media tube (religion > Christianity)
- Taste TV (food, cooking)
- Tasty food TV (food, cooking)
- Tchatche webcam
- TeacherTube (how-tos, education)
- Tencent QQ (language > Chinese)
- TestToob (science)
- That Video Site
- That's how (how-tos, education)
- The 360 place (games > videogames)
- The Big TV
- The Hub (Witness) (human rights)
- The one minutes Junior
- The Talk Market (business and advertising)
- The University Tube (university)
- Tibet online (country > Tibet)
- TicoTube (country > Costa Rica)
- TinyPic
- Ton clip (language > French)
- Ton tuyau (country > Quebec)
- Too shocking
- Top Red Line (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Total Recut
- Totlol (kids)
- Town 9
- Trash cars (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Travel Tube (travels)
- Travelistic (travels)
- Travelleers (travels)
- Treemo
- Trendhure (language > German)
- Trilulilu (language > Romanian)
- Tripfilms (travels)
- Triporia (travels)
- Trooker
- Troop Tube (military)
- Tu TV (language > Spanish)
- Tube Zik (language > Arabic)
- Tubearoo
- TubeDesi (country > India)
- TubePH (country > Philippines)
- Tubetorial (how-tos, education)
- Tudou (language > Chinese)
- TumTube (country > India)
- Tuney Fish (cars, motorcycles, planes, boats)
- Tunisia Tube (country > Tunisia)
- TV Gush
- TV Lesson (how-tos, education)
- Tvoj tube (language > Croatian)
- Tvosz
- Twango
- – U –
- u2upfly
- Uber me
- uGoto
- Ultimate tube (religion > Christianity)
- Underground film (movies > indies)
- Unix Tube (computers and computing)
- Unleash video
- Unplug TV
- Urban chillers films (movies)
- Urban videos (music > hiphop)
- Urth TV
- Ustream
- Uume (language > Chinese)
- uVu (local > South Florida)
- – V –
- VA Joe (military)
- Varsity World
- VatorTV (business and advertising)
- Veoh
- vid PK (country > Pakistan)
- Viddler
- Viddyou
- Videa (language > Hungarian)
- Video 247 (language > Hindi)
- Video 4 Hire
- Vidéo bagarre (language > French)
- Video Bomb
- Video Click (language > French)
- Video Dubba (country > India)
- Video Forum Madagascar (country > Madagascar)
- Video gaga (language > Latvian)
- Video Jug (how-tos, education)
- Video Log TV (language > Portuguese (Brazil))
- Video Mirchi (country > India)
- Video Sift
- Video Tutes (how-tos, education)
- Video Vat
- Video Web Town
- Videoita (hunting and fishing)
- Videoklips
- Vidi Vodo (language > Turkish)
- Vidiac
- Vidieoh
- VidiLife
- Vidipedia
- Vidking (celebrities)
- VidMax
- View hunts (hunting and fishing)
- ViewDo (how-tos, education)
- Vimby
- Vimeo
- Vindie
- Virb (artists community)
- Virtual Safari (pets and animals)
- Vlaze
- VMix
- Vobbo
- VODemotion (language > French)
- Volume Rocks (music)
- Vreel
- Vringo
- VSocial
- Vtorial (how-tos, education)
- Vtube
- VuMe
- VuMedi (science > medicine)
- Vuze
- (language > Spanish)
- – W –
- War Crime TV (human rights)
- Wat TV (language > French)
- Watch Do It (how-tos, education)
- Watch Know (how-tos, education)
- We Game (games > videogames)
- We show
- We tube for sports (sports)
- Weak game
- Webshots
- Wedding tube TV (wedding)
- Weedo (how-tos, education)
- West Indian Tube (country > West India, Carribean)
- WetSand (sports > boards)
- Whoomp
- Wide TV
- Wideo
- Wii Tube (games > videogames)
- Wildcast (hunting and fishing)
- Wildlife Focus (pets and animals)
- Wine and Food Tube (food, cooking)
- Winery videos (food, cooking)
- Wonder How-To (how-tos, education)
- World Made Channel
- World TV
- Wuala
- Wuapi
- – X –
- Xanga
- XoinKs!
- xtranormal (movies > animation)
- – Y –
- Ya phone tube
- Yaaway (religion > Christianity)
- Yallwire (music)
- Yebo TV
- Yideoz (religion > Judaism)
- Yijian (language > Chinese)
- Yobi TV
- Yobler (how-tos, education)
- Yoqoo (language > Chinese)
- You clip it
- You clubbin (music)
- You Ku (language > Chinese)
- You tunas (music > Tuna)
- YouAreTV
- Your daily media
- Your file host
- Your open media
- YouTube
- YouTube Islam (religion > islam)
- YUDO magic (magic)
- Yugo Tube (country > Yugoslavia)
- Yurth
- YuuJoo (country > Japan)
- – Z –
- Zap Live TV
- Zapiks (sports > action sports)
- Zapp internet
- Zedge
- Zeec
- ZeTube
- Ziddio
- (language > Dutch)
- Zippy Videos
- Zipvo (real estate)
- Zooga TV
- Zoom and Go (travels)
- Zooppa (business and advertising)
- Zoopy
- Zune TV