Tuesday, July 17, 2007
New Website @ www.sianpu.info
Another TLD I registered is www.sianpu.com and the same thing went with my domain name that I failed to renew this site after about two years and it is no longer available. Hence, I keep on trying to have my personal website beyond the functionality of blogs and other social networking which I have more control and design, I finally choose to register www.sianpu.info.
I'll probably or (I'm sure) keep this site on without any termination of account.
Having website now a day is very easy and it cost very little unlike the first time I have my own site back in Y2K. Well, it is too much introduction about my new site so, let us jump to the new site at www.sianpu.info
Please don't forget to sign my guest book and have your say.
Thanks for your friendship...
Every end is a new beginning :)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Extremely Slow
A new beginning at MOSA
Myanmar Overseas Seafarer Association.
What is all about this? Why do I attend this training? What for?
Well, this is the common questions asked by my Zomi friends.
They're eager to know about it as they have no clue of what is going on with me at present. Well, I've got have a chance for the interview at CTI for Lewis Cruise Line in Europe last December. Did I say Lwis? Yes, it will be an IT Job, they called it "IT Specialist job" on the ship. About 12 people interview from Myanmar passed for the job and we've in the process of applying for CDI.
Before applying it, we are required to have a certificate from MOSA. This is the brief history of why I go to MOSA. This training will last about one and half to two months from 8:30 to 12:00 Noon. I need to leave home at 7:45 and have lunch somewhere in the town after the training. I continue to work; go to my regular work from 12:30 to 8:30 PM to make it 8-working hours per day.
Do you think I'm happy for that?
Well, Yes. But tiresome since the work is at the right while the training is another thing. Fortunately, I'm totally free on Saturday and Sunday. So, typically Sunday and Saturday is a time for Family.
Do I enjoy at MOSA?
The rules are very strict there. We requested to wear only shirt and longi everyday. No talking during the meeting. We charge fee for late comers- of course for the fund per the instruction of the teachers. We're about 60 people from different background, who are almost ready to go onboard. The teachers and the students voted me to be the class monitor there. Do I have additional task for being a class monitor? Not much a part form recording, organizing and helping the students, teachers for the class
Friday, April 27, 2007
You are my hero Honey!
Apart from being my wife, you are my HERO.

-You've helped me discover my value in life.
-You've helped me find my talent and gift.
-You've give me hope and dream.
-You've made my life shine again.
-You've helped me how to let things go and how to uphold what ahead.
-You've helped me to face the world.
-You've helped me find my way.
-You've taught me how to forgive.
...because of you, I got to know who I really am.
You've help me how to cherish the past, celebrate the present and transform the future together with our dear daughter- Ngaihngaih...
I love you and ka tanu so very much.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Definition of Best Friend
"One who multiplies joys, divides grief and sorrow."
"One who understands our silence."
"A volume of sympathy bound in cloth and never runs down"
But there is a definition that won the prize:
A best friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out -selected
Does God exist?
Alternately: It makes more sense to believe in God than to not believe. If you believe and, God exists, you will be rewarded in the afterlife. If you do not believe, and he exists, you will be punished for your disbelief. If He does not exist, you have lost nothing either way.
Handle with Prayer
Sometimes the load gets too heavy to carry
It's more than you can bear
Give your fragile problem to the Master
Just stand on your knees and handle with Prayer
So many times we tried to solve our problems
We search for the answer in the world
But the answer is not there
JESUS will give the solution
Just bow on your knees and handle with Prayer
Take your problems to the one who calms the storm and water
Take it to the one who really cares
Take it to the one who made the Land
Just bend to walk on your knees again
Handle it with Prayer...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I am an open guestbook
Anyone can see who have hurt me.
Anyone can see who have blessed me.
Anyone can see what I have gone through.
Anyone can see who I am now.
Anyone can see who I will become.
Anyone can be a part of my life.
Anyone can be a blessing to me.
Anyone can hurt me.
Anyone can love me.
Anyone can read what my feeling is.
Anyone can see what my philosophy is.
Anyone can sign in my guestbook.
Anyone can write anything in my guestbook.
Anyone can read what others have written.
This is how I become an open guestbook.
I hve no enemy in this world.
Anyone is can be my best friend if she/he chooses to.
If HATE comes, I will welcome him with LOVE.
If LOVE, I will welcome her with a HUGE HUGH.
After all, no one can shake my foundation because I am deeply rooted in he One I Believe.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
3-Minute Photo Resizing
It is not a problem to send large attachments as large as 5 or 10 MB per message in other countries where there is a full ADSL speed and broadband-type fast connection. However, if you are to send email attachment photos to your family and friends in Myanmar it is advisable to resize the photos before sending to them. In most cases the recipients do not receive the photos completely or worst to it, the message does not reach if the recipients use local-run POP3 e-mails i.e., net.mm, com.mm etc. with dial-up connection. Even if those mails are capable of receiving attachments it could literally take from 15-30 minutes to download them which is equivalent to 50 cents to 1 dollar per hour. To make life easier and save time and money for the recipients you can take a 1-minute tutorial on how to simply resize images and photos for e-mail attachments. Anyone with any level of computer knowledge can learn this with in a matter of just one minute. Did you ever say that you are extremely busy to make that stuff and have not time for photo editing? If yes, it here it is. To resize a photo should not take more than 30 seconds.
You’re now on your way to learn how to resize your photo proportionally with 8 simple clicks.
1. Right click on your photo and scroll down to “Open with” and select “Microsoft Office Picture Manager” as shown below.
2. Click on the “Edit Picture” tab.
3. You will then see the properties at the right pane.

4. Click on the “Resize” button and select your desired size. You may choose “Web- large” for e-mail attachment then click on “OK.”

5. You will need to click on the “Save” button. After saving it, you will notice that the size has changed to 95% or 100% in the view panel and the Size Setting will also be different from the original size.
You now have a perfect resized photo ready to send as an attachment with a very small size.
This could probably have been changed to about 250-300 KB from the original full resolution size 1.5 or 2 MB.
Isn’t it easy buddy?
Please visit us at www.zocia.org/forum for more online tutorials.
If you would like to request a tutorial on any technical problem, please feel free to e-mail us at zocia@zocia.org
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Laptop Rules
1. Clean hands before using laptops.
2. Carry laptops by holding bottom portion.
(NEVER pick up laptop by the screen)
3. Hands off screen.
4. Food and drinks away from laptops.
5. Pencils/pens and papers off laptop
6. Turn head into shoulders when sneezing
or coughing.
7. Fingers away from mouth and nose.
Technical Support Means...
In order to provide the best technical support available, a multi-step approach has been developed. These steps include:
Assessment The first step in assessing the problem is listening to the end-user/client. Once the problem is described, the engineer will attempt to replicate the problem so it can be viewed first hand.
DiagnosisThe engineer will, through various test procedures, determine the likely cause of the problem. The client will receive a report as to the nature of the problem and the suggested course of action.
Resolution After receiving approval from the client, the engineer will perform the suggested “fixes” necessary to restore the computer to its’ desired working state.
Recommendations The engineer will make suggestions to help the client avoid similar problems in the future.
Promoted as IT Specialist Moderator at "IT Guru-UK"

Well, nothing is much special here as I've been a part of discussion and learning envoronment with different international IT Specialist Network.
I accepted it and I am ready to be to contribute my knowledge to the growing tech support network at IT Guru, UK in their online forum. My involvement in this group won't actually be a boredom nor waste of time but rather a fun-and-learning experience of myself in pursuite of competency in international level technical skills. This may mean someting though it may cost part of my precious time. Well, get over it...
10-full days break for Water Festival in Myanmar

It normally was about 6 days but starting from this year the holiday is for 10 days.
Wow, I could relax and enjoy my vacation starting from tomorrow.
It is a perfect time to spend a quality time with my Tanu and my Ngaihno.
Cool, cool, kwel...
Oh yea, I need to borrow some movies and wath with my family at home while eating Gatam and Vaimim ciim.
-Your parents introduce you to foriegners that you are a "chin"
-You speak a Zomi language when you are in the mission ningh, international night at your school.
-You display Zomi traditional dress at Open-House at your school without knowing much about what those beautifully colored costumes and dresses.
-Your CD case is flooded with Zomi songs, Zomi ngeina but don't really know much about the people and the meaning of the songs.
-You Google the same keyword for more than 5 times a day which is "Zomi."
-You search for the keyword "Zomi, Zogam" in Youtube.
-You don't really like the dry soybean but you have to eat it anyway.
-You are not allowed to call your elders by thier full name.
-You think your parents are not smart enough in speaking English while you were trained to speak in Zomi with little understanding.
-You prefer to read stories and articles written in Zomi rather than English or Burmese, Indian etc.
-You think you are smart enough to cheat your parents but they won't allows this to happen.
-You are advised to call "Pu/ Pi, Pa, Nu, Sia" to a stranger you do not really know much about.
-You need to sit and wait for your guests to go home late at night though you know that you are to wake up early in the morning but hesitant to tell them you are sleepy.
-The first word you are taught to say is "Dam maw?"
-The second word you are taught is to be able to say "anne khin maw."-The third word you learn is "Mang pha, mang fa."
-You are typing very fast but using only two finders when using the computer.
-You are to weak a traditional dress you seldom see people wearing it.
-You sing a Zomi song when you are to present the country of your own in internationa student night.
-You said you like "Gatam" but you don't actually eat much even if you were provided.
-You said you like Be-ik but you don't really want to carry on the plane.
-You said you like "ui sa" but you eat no more.
-The first thing that came to your mind is "ZONET" when you though of reading news.
-You spend quite sometime reading news and have late meals and sleepping time while you can't keep yourself from not writing back to your own people.
-You often times skip your supper or eat your breakfast while driving on your way to work.
-You help one another.
-You can't hold back yourself from not giving when you see a begger near by the street.
-You do a lot of self-talk when alone and people from a distance see you murmering something like "zomi,zomi, zomi."
-You eat meals at the house of your relatives and you are about to finish eating but they put more rice in your plate by force which you can't resist and you ate 'am all anyway though you're full up to your brim.
-You say "mangpha" for more than two times before one leaves.
-You tell your parents to dress up nice while they argue you to dress up properly in turn.
-You are so smart, and smart enough to write and speak in English but need to polish your writing in Zomi because you have not even attended 1st grade in Zolai.
-You think the first name of some peopel is "Taang" or "Lia" while you are not accustomed to use it.
-You concern for the well being of your people though they do not ask you for help.
-The only day you have been waiting for in a year to meet with friends is Zomi Nam Ni (Zomi National Day).
-The family reunion day is a long-awaited-holiday which falls on KHUADO Festival also falls on the same day with American Thanks giving day.
Whew, the list goes on and on...
Tg. Sianpu
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ngaih ngaih...
You are now five months old today but by the time you are able to read this message, you will be smart enought to comprehend both written and speaking in English, Burmese, Chinese a part from your mother tounge, Zomi. So, you and your brothers and sisters can keep on posting and continue developing this page with your activities and school projects right on this page. I love you and your mom so very much.
Honey, always remember that Okey? You are the most wonderful person in the world! You welcome this world with smile and you entered this family with a very cute gesture in the hospital of CWH in Zangkong on Sunday morning. I praise God for you, and for your mom as well as myself because He is so great for all of us that we can not even count all the blessings he has given to us each and every day.
Zomi gam leh Zomi leitang
Lo kuan kawm, buk tep kawm hi hang

Zomi ngeina ah misi a om ciang in ki lam pih hi

Zomi ngeina lam pawlkhat hi
Nidang lai ih Zomi te nunzia pawl khat hi

Na nu mante hi
This one is my graduation photo
Graduation photo of your mom